Refill Your Bucket

A FREE 5-part email series to help us prioritise our wellbeing,
so we can keep supporting the wildlife that need us

Everyday, nearly 20,000 Australian volunteers start and end their day caring for our native wildlife





How do we enable this vital community service to continue?

Read more about Refill Your Bucket

“Wildlife caring certainly taught me that I do not have infinite resources. I have had times when I’ve been really down and going through the motions.”

– Wildlife Volunteer, NSW

As wildlife volunteers, we offer unceasing assistance to native animals that are sick, injured or orphaned, so that they can eventually be released back into their natural environment.

Support to our wildlife, now and into the future, depends on us being there to offer the best of ourselves. We can help more animals if we are physically and mentally healthy.

Join us to build fitness for a long game…

‘Refill Your Bucket’ is a call to action for wildlife volunteers to prioritise their own well-being, so we can keep supporting the wildlife that need us.

Two Green Threads is on a mission to inspire, support and rejuvenate the many individuals who invest so much of themselves helping native wildlife.

We acknowledge that the role of a wildlife volunteer can be a journey of extremes – reward and fulfilment, alongside relentless effort and possibly grief – moments that give, and moments that take.

Each day and week will vary, and our non-wildlife moments also contribute to our volunteering energy, outlook, nervous systems and overall well-being.  The experiences, occasions and intensity which fills or empties our buckets are unique to each of us.

Let’s recognise that we have a bucket and that there must be a conscious effort to refill.

“There are days when I feel like I am living in an endurance state. I know moments, experiences and conscious actions are needed to fill my bucket. I need to start noticing and cultivating them. It’s a lifetime of small moments that make a big life.”

– Suzy Nethercott-Watson
Founder of Two Green Threads and Wildlife Volunteer for 20 years

Let’s Refill Our Bucket

To keep saving our native wildlife, we need to save a bit of ourselves.

If these phrases are a familiar thought pattern, then we invite you to go on a journey with us. Our FREE 5-part email series is aimed at helping to acknowledge meaningful steps towards understanding and refilling your bucket. Each email will be sent to you a week apart, giving you time to reflect on its content.

What to expect in our 5-part ‘Refill Your Bucket’ Journey

Email 1:  How do we build awareness of our bucket?
Email 2:  Why self-sustainment makes sense?
Email 3:  What is our stress awareness like?
Email 4:  Are we hearing and understanding our body signals and reactions?
Email 5:  Why joy is important for filling our buckets.

…how about it?

Let’s Refill My Bucket

    The ‘Refill Your Bucket’ campaign is an initiative by Two Green Threads, a registered national charity created to energise and inspire the service of our wildlife volunteers, enabling a supported and resilient tribe of individuals and wildlife groups looking after our native wildlife.

    Learn more about Two Green Threads at

    This is part of the Wildlife Heroes Caring for Carers Campaign
    supported by the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife and the Australian Government.

    Thanks also to our supportive partner
    The International Fund for Animal Welfare.